Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today I watched Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock's most influential thriller, and was amazed. I had totally forgotten how much I liked this film. Right from the opening scene with all the lines you can feel the suspense and tension that Hitchcock is know for!
Psycho has a great cast with:
Janet Leigh
Vera Miles
John Gavin
but the real show stopper was Anthony Perkins as the infamous Norman Bates!
Anthony Perkins played the role so well that he was called back for four sequels! He definitely made the movie for me, I mean Psycho would not be Psycho without the psycho right? He was so good when being sweet to Janet Leigh's character, Marion Crane, and was downright creepy when he broke the 4th wall during the final scene.
After watching this today, I realized this movie had to be a break from the traditional films from this era. Psycho took so many twists and turns, then ending with the bad guy dressing in drag and having a split personality really had to shock most viewers! Honestly though I love the ending more and more and I still chew my fingernails every time I watch the detective going into the house unsuspectingly.
This definitely made me want to watch a marathon of Alfred Hitchcock films so tomorrow it's definitely Rear Window!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Kill Bill

SO I finally convinced myself to buy Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 on blu-ray! I am really really really excited about being able to watch it in High definition. I would have to say that Kill Bill is my absolute all time favorite move... honestly nothing even comes close! Nothing, No one, No other movie will ever do what Kill Bill did for me. I would easily say that it changed my life! I am personally not a fan of Quentin Tarantino but I don't know if it is because I just do not care for his other movies or if it's that his face is brutally scary!
But I would proudly proclaim that I love Kill Bill and for that I just want to say "Thank You Quentin.. You changed me P.S. Sorry about the face comment!"

Kill Bill is great for many reasons 1)The action, 2)The witty Banter, 3)All the tongue-in-cheekiness, 4)Great acting by the lovely Uma Thurman, 6) David Carradine!

Wow.... Definitely love at first sight!

By the way I would Kill (Bill) for any of these posters: