Monday, May 30, 2011

Kill Bill

SO I finally convinced myself to buy Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 on blu-ray! I am really really really excited about being able to watch it in High definition. I would have to say that Kill Bill is my absolute all time favorite move... honestly nothing even comes close! Nothing, No one, No other movie will ever do what Kill Bill did for me. I would easily say that it changed my life! I am personally not a fan of Quentin Tarantino but I don't know if it is because I just do not care for his other movies or if it's that his face is brutally scary!
But I would proudly proclaim that I love Kill Bill and for that I just want to say "Thank You Quentin.. You changed me P.S. Sorry about the face comment!"

Kill Bill is great for many reasons 1)The action, 2)The witty Banter, 3)All the tongue-in-cheekiness, 4)Great acting by the lovely Uma Thurman, 6) David Carradine!

Wow.... Definitely love at first sight!

By the way I would Kill (Bill) for any of these posters:

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