Saturday, June 18, 2011

Super 8

It's easy to say that Super 8 was definitely SUPER! I loved this movie. There was several homages to Steven Spielberg and his earlier Sci-Fi films. I love everything about this movie. The pacing was great and I was never bored. The entire movie was captivating and when I left the theater I had no idea that I had been sitting there for 2 hours. This movie had everything you could imagine. It was funny, It was scary, It was action-packed, It was about aliens, It was a coming-of-age story. IT WAS SUPER.

The acting in this movie is absolutely incredible I was stunned by  how well the kids hold the story together. Most movies where the kids are the main characters are classified as "Kid Movies" but I would never label Super 8 as that. Out of the 5 main kids only two really stood out from the rest:

These three kids were awesome. I loved all the emotion they brought to the screen. Truth be told I cried twice during this movie and it was all because of the emotion shown by Elle Fanning and Joel Courtney. Everyone did a really impressive job especially Elle Fanning. Maybe I just don't have high expectations for Elle and thats why she so easily impresses me but I hope she does not follow in the footsteps of her sister who is going nowhere...

I Really enjoyed this movie and you should probably go check it out too! 

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